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Text © Transfer Pricing
Solutions Limited 2004-7
Services to lawyers, accountants and consultants

How we can help you and your clients

The odds are that some of your clients have transfer pricing issues, particularly after 1 April 2004, when the new UK transfer pricing rules come into effect.  For help in determining who is caught, see here.

A large share of our work comes via law firms, accountancy firms and consultants.  If transfer pricing is not an area in which you practice, here's why you should consider getting us involved:
  • Whether or not you have any explicit legal obligation to warn clients about potential transfer pricing exposures, being pro-active about mentioning these issues to clients can help ensure there are no recriminations.  Moreover, introducing TPS to your clients will help to add value to your service to your clients and eliminate a potential 'foot in the door' for your competitors. 
  • We will provide your client with the best possible service.  Recommending us will reflect well on you.  See more here.

  • We only practice in transfer pricing; introducing us to your client is no possible threat to your own business with that client.
  • We are happy to work in an integrated team with you, as your subcontractor, or if more appropriate we can operate on an independent basis.
To get to know you better, we would like to meet you.  If it is of interest, we would be pleased to come and make a presentation to you and your colleagues.  Contact details are here.

Your own transfer pricing issues

If your firm has any subsidiaries, or any overseas operations, you may also have your own internal transfer pricing issues.  We have already carried out an assignment leading a team from the internal tax department at one of the 'Magic Circle' law firms, to ensure they are compliant with transfer pricing rules in the UK and overseas.

The reasons why we are the best choice for your clients apply equally to your own firm.  More here.

BNA International has published Transfer Pricing Manual, a major new global reference work on the topic.  Gareth Green is the Technical Editor and three chapters have been written by TPS. 

Click on the book to purchase a copy from BNAI:

BNAI Transfer Pricing Manual cover