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On-line tool: Steps 3 & 4 - Transaction with non-qualifying territory

The transaction you are considering cannot benefit from the small or medium sized exemptions.  It is therefore subject to the UK transfer pricing rules, unless the dormant company exemption applies.

Jump to Step 5, the dormant company exemption.

Continue with Step 3 here.

If you would like confirmation that your conclusion is correct, taking into account all relevant issues (not all of which could be included in this on-line tool) and your own specific circumstances, we would be pleased to help.  Please contact Gareth Green.

Click here to return to step 1 for other taxpayers.

The 'small print'

The comments on this page and elsewhere on this website are of a general nature.  It is not practicable in a general review such as this to consider every convolution of the UK transfer pricing rules or of any other tax law that may be relevant.  Moreover, these pages naturally do not take into account the specific facts relating to any particular taxpayer.  Therefore, although the guidance in this website should give a good indication of the likely position under the transfer pricing rules, taxpayers should obtain professional advice to verify the position, or carry out their own analysis.

Neither TPS nor its affiliates and employees make any representation regarding the completeness or accuracy thereof and they accept no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred as a result of any user acting or refraining from acting upon anything contained on these pages or upon its omission therefrom.
On-line tool: navigation


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5